Friday, July 01, 2005

Canada Day, 2005, Nothing to Celebrate Here!

Today is Canada Day. Normally we would feel patriotic, but not today.

Not when Carline VandenElsen and Larry Finck and their baby are separated and incarcerated in a NS jail cell.

All these parents ever wanted to do was to raise their children. Our abusive country, CANADA, would not allow that. No! They had to snatch their babies away from them. All 5 of them. One at a miserable time.

Compare these two loving parents to a serial killer like Karla Homolka. She killed two young girls. Raped and drugged them and then killed them. Disposed of their bodies in the river.
She drugged, raped and killed her own sister, Tammy, and disposed of her body. She was never tried or convicted of Tammy's death. Tammy's murderer has never been arrested.
Karla Homolka, also drugged and raped Jane Doe. The drugs were so powerful that the young teen didn't regain conscience for 72 hours.
No one has ever been arrested for Jane Doe's suffering.
Karla Homolka got 12 years.

Carline and Larry are parents who wanted to raise their children. The government took their children, their home, their income, their marriage, their health, their dignity, their freedom and maybe even their lives. Carline is still on a hunger strike.

  • They refused to give up their child. So the government took her.
  • They refused to give up their home. So the government bashed in their door after midnight with a battering ram.
  • They refused to cooperate with Children's Aid. So the Supreme Court removed their child from them permanently. Forever, with no access.
  • They refused to submit to a mental health evaluation. So the government labeled them as mental health incompetents and misfits.
  • They refused to go away quietly and fought all the way to the Supreme Court. So the government courts denied them all their Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the courts.
  • They refused to cooperate in jail, and went on a hunger strike. So the government denied a Public Inquiry.

What is wrong with this picture? Why in hell, won't the government of NS take action and do what's right?
Why does a non government agency like Children's Aid have the ultimate power to violate our children?
Why are the Supreme Court judges endorsing such lawlessness?
Why? Because they are all protecting a multi billion dollar, profit sharing enterprise called the Family Court System in Canada.

It's nothing more than a make work project for Canadians.
The product is our children.

What a disgusting country we live in, Canada!

No Justice here, folks!
Remember the next time you vote.
Don't vote for any party that does not come clean about the abusive Family Law Industry that systematically violates the rights of our people!

Remember, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely!

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