Media Release, For Immediate Release
June 6, 2005 Justice Inc.
Connie Brauer and Vic Harris
1061 Mines Rd. Falmouth, NS B0P 1L0
Phone and Fax 902.798.5267
Cell: 902.791.0958
Fifty Reasons - Why We Need An Immediate,
Public Inquiry Into the Carline VandenElsen
& Larry Finck Case.
We need a public inquiry into the complete handling of the caseof Carline VandenElsen and Larry Finck and the forceful removalof their child on May 21, 2004 and their subsequent arrest,incarceration, and permanent care hearings. It has now been 380days since their child was forcefully seized by NS Children’sAid and Halifax Regional Police, Swat Team. No reasonable causewas provided. This barbaric action was approved of by JudgeDebra Smith of NS Supreme Court and totally ignored by all NSpoliticians.
We need broad, public, independent and all day televisedhearings into the Family Law System and the NS Children's AidApprehension Practices. Just like the Gomery Inquiry. We needcompensation for all victims. We, the people, demand anindependent public inquiry to resolve the following....
Save a Life
1. We need to save the life of Carline VandenElsen, wife,mother, who is starving for the children in her demands to getjustice via a public inquiry.
2. We need both parents, CarlineVandenElsen and Larry Finck free on bail immediately.
IWK Doctor
3. How can a doctor violate the privacy rights of herpatients, mal-practice, which resulted in seizure of the child,and still be employed as a pediatrician by government?
4. How can a doctor's call to eliminate all medical concerns to theChildren's Aid be totally ignored? The doctor called to saythere were absolutely no concerns for the health and welfare ofthe child.
5. Why didn’t the IWK prepare a birth certificate andregister the birth?
Children's Aid
6. How the Children's Aid can make an apprehension order while thebaby is still a fetus?
7. How the Children's Aid can seize ababy without any evidence of life endangerment?
8. How the Children's Aid can seize a child without any investigation orconsultation with the parents?
9. How the Children's Aid canseize a child without any attempts to identify a problem andthen work to solve the problem?
10. How the Children's Aid canseize a baby temporarily and it turns into long term?
11. How the Children's Aid can seize the baby permanently and makeapplication for permanent care?
12. How many other children are permanently removed from their
homes and families by Children'sAid without proof of life endangerment?
13. How the Children'sAid can violate their mission statement of keeping the familiestogether?
14. Why and when, the Children's Aid is no longer inthe child protection business but the child apprehensionbusiness?
15. How is the Children’s Aid funded?
16. Which is more profitable: seizure of children or working with the familyto keep them together?
17. Why are the Children’s Aid still inbusiness?
18. How the SWAT team can be called in to stalk afamily for months?
19. How the SWAT team can bash in a family'sdoor after midnight?
20. How the SWAT team can have theauthority to forcefully seize a couple’s child without anyreasonable alternatives.
21. How the SWAT team can physicallyabuse the parents and others after they gave up?
22. How the SWAT team can ignore the fragile life and health of an aginggrandmother ?
23. How the SWAT team can cause undue hardship andanxiety to a child, her parents and the grandmother?
24. How the SWAT team can follow an apprehension order without any duediligence of their own?
25. How the SWAT team can remove anursing, 5 month old baby from her very sustenance of life, hermother’s breast?
Judge Smith
26. How a judge can issue an apprehension order based on noevidence of life endangerment?
27. How a judge can issue anapprehension order based on a possible future harm complaint
28.How a judge can get promoted to Assistant Chief Justice whileshe deliberately caused the forceful removal of a child from herparents without cause?
29. How can that judge now adjudicate theresults of her own actions in court? Permanent Care,Constitutional Question?
30. How a hearing for permanent carecan continue without competent lawyers for the defense, or thechild?
Judge Wright?
31. How a criminal trial can go on without the other partypresent? Children's Aid?
32. How no evidence was presented byChildren's Aid?
33. How a criminal trial can go on withoutincluding the validity of the court order, which is the startingpoint for the standoff and the refusal to hand over their childby the parents?
34. How a trial can continue without allowingall evidence, witnesses etc. for the defense?
35. How a judgecan delay sentencing so as to keep people incarcerated withoutbail or time served? Courts
36. How the system can continueendlessly without any accountability as to expenses? 37. Howthere is unlimited financial assistance for the prosecution butnothing for the defense?
38. How there is unlimited financialcosts for the Children's Aid, the lawyers, the prosecution etc.and nothing for the parents.
39. How the jailers can deny food, mattresses, personalcare, medical and counseling Carline and Larry and otherprisoners?
40. How the jailers can deny phone calls, visits,legal documents etc? for prisoners who are self representing incourt each day?
41. How the jailers can deliberately install asystem of noise, light and sound distraction so one can work?Accountability
42. How no politician is accountable for anythingin NS?
43. How there is no method to hold politiciansaccountable?
44. How no cops, no Children's Aid, No MLA's, noPremier, no Attorney General, no ombudsman and no anyone isaccountable for anything?
45. Who is doing their job, who isnot, and what is their job? How is it possible that theGovernment of NS can attack a family, seize their child andviolate all their human and Charter Rights and no one isaccountable?
Canadian Charter of Rights
46. How can Sections: 2, 6,7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12, 13, 15.1, 24, 28, 31, 52 all be violated by thisgovernment and no remedies or accountability has been offered?
47. The parties involved are: All NS Politicians, Minister ofCommunity Services, David Morse, Premier Hamm, AG Michael Baker,our MLA Ron Russell, VandenElsen /Finck MLA, MLA Howard Epstein, NS Children’s Aid, Elizabeth Whelton, Blois-Nickerson law firm,IWK Hospital and possibly other hospitals, Dawn Edger,pediatrician to Carline and Mona-Clare, HRP + ER(SWAT) team,Judge Debra Smith, Judge Wright and other judges involved inrubber stamping apprehension orders, NS Corrections.
48. The aggrieved parties are: Larry Finck, Carline VandenElsen,Mona-Clare, (baby), Mona Finck and all the other parents andchildren who have been tortured and terrorized by this agency,government and political, judicial cover up.
49. Warning! NS is not safe for Families! Every parent and everychild is at risk, here. We want justice!
50. To restore faith,in the judicial system.
Justice Inc.
Parents Civil Rights Movement
Connie Brauer and VicHarris 1061 Mines Rd. Falmouth, NS B0P 1L0
Phone and Fax902.798.5267
cc NS Ombudsman
cc RonRussell, MLA and Deputy Premier, failed to respond
cc John Hamm,Premier of NS, failed to respond
cc Michael Baker, AttorneyGeneral of NS, failed to respond
cc International Criminal Court@ Hague, add to our file.
cc Carline VandenElsen and LarryFinck, parents incarcerated in NS Correctional Center
cc Media ,NS and World Wide
cc Parent’s Civil Rights Movement
P.S. Karla Homolka, who killed 3 women and raped and druggedanother one, will be free in July after serving 12 years.
Carline VandenElsen and Larry Finck have been fighting for theirchildren, in the courts, for more than 10 years and they stilldo not have them back. They are both incarcerated for refusingto give up yet another child to the system.
Something is very evil here!
Karla Homolka, Serial Killer -3 dead and 1 raped and drugged
Mom, Carline VandenElsesn, Dad, Larry Finck Baby, Seized at 5 mo. and not seen again!
All the other parents and children too.
Seizure took place on May 21, 2004